Eurasia Northwest spans seven diverse and ancient countries, from Armenia in the south to Estonia in the north. It is an exciting mix of East and West, old and new, quaint villages and cosmopolitan cities.
The nations that make up this area have been shaped in large part by oppression and suffering. People are disillusioned with religions that have left them empty, political systems that have failed them, and ideologies that give no hope. They are searching for answers.
Each nation’s culture and history may be different, but one factor remains the same across borders: the simple need for Jesus.
We believe that through the Spirit’s leading, it is possible to finish the work of making the gospel accessible to everyone in Eurasia Northwest in our lifetime.
God is writing a beautiful story in Eurasia Northwest. We believe this is His time for proclaiming good news to the poor, binding up the brokenhearted, and proclaiming freedom for the captives (Isaiah 61:1). With confidence that Jesus goes with us and before us, we cross faraway borders into territories enshrouded in generational darkness to redeem hurting families, broken cultures, and nations under spiritual oppression.
As we go, we create space to welcome whoever God is calling to walk alongside us. We believe in the purpose of teams to bring together the gifts and passions of unique believers to reach and serve the lost wherever God calls us.
There are three meaningful ways you can partner with us directly:
Pray — Pray with us and for us!
Give — Support a missionary or project
Come — Join a team in Eurasia Northwest
Whichever you choose, there’s a place for you on our team. Will you help shape the story God is writing in Eurasia Northwest?
Eurasia Northwest is an area of the Eurasia region of the Assemblies of God World Missions.